
Opening Hours

Mon - Thurs: afternoons and evenings

Would it be inappropriate to remind you that there’s less than 40 days until Autumn? I hope not. The summer is always a pleasant change from the cold of winter, but it also flies by faster than one can manage to do all the things on their list. I certainly hoped to have more done in our yard. The garden looks good, but there’s definitely many things that will need to wait until next year.  That’s okay. Things take time and we planted so many trees and bushes that will take a few years to get bigger. We bought a huge amount of mulch which we still have a pile of on our driveway.  With it we are establishing pathways and suppressing the excessive weeds that crowd our fence lines. Then our new bushes and trees will have a better chance of making it 🙂 Once the fall arrives I will be pruning back my fruit trees. I’ll report back with more progress as it gets cooler. Happy gardening!

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